Logo Belami Online

Change your belami password

Old password:
New Password:
Repeat new password:

Important notice

Your Password must be at least 8 characters and contain at least one number. Your password must be different from your username and also different from previous passwords used at Club BelAmi.

We will send you e-mail with a link to confirm your password change. This link is valid for 24 hours. If your mailbox is full or you use an anti-spam utility you may not receive this link. Please ensure that your e-mail provider / personal SPAM blocking software allows emails from 'registration@belamionline.com'.

If you filled wrong e-mail address while registering or are not able to get your password using this page, please submit Help Desk Ticket with your Member ID / username, transaction number, valid e-mail address and as much other details about your account as possible.